Virginie Cuvillier
Unité Evo-Eco-Paléo (EEP) – UMR 8198
CNRS / Université de Lille – Sciences et Technologies
Batiment SN2, bureau 107bis
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq – FRANCE
My research falls within the field of ecophysiology of invertebrate species. I seek to study the impact of environmental pressures (mostly of human origin: pollutants, urbanization, climate change) on animal physiology and more specifically on the ability of animals to fight and resist to infection (eco-immunology). My area of expertise ranges from immunological skills to gene expression techniques. The main scientific questions I am currently addressing concern:
(1) the study of the negative effects due to the exposure of pollinators to endocrine disruptors (phthalates): we decipher the effects on individual metabolism, but also the disruption of sensory capacities and the potential consequences on interactions with plants;
(2) the study of the effects of infestation by endoliths on mussel’s response to heat stress;
(3) the study of immune investments of a gastropod from Lake Malawi (Melanoides tuberculata)
as a function of the temperature regime and their role in the invasiveness of the strain.
1999 - 2002: PhD, Ecology, Université de Paris 7 / Université de Tours, France
1994 - 1998: Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
2011 - : Assistant professor, Evo-Eco-Paleo Lab, University of Lille, France
2005 - 2010: Assistant professor, Neuroimmunology of annelids Lab, University of Lille, France
2003 - 2004: Postdoc, Department of Genetics, University of São Paulo, Brazil