Nina Hautekeete

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Unité Evo-Eco-Paléo (EEP) – UMR 8198
CNRS / Université de Lille – Sciences et Technologies
Batiment SN2, bureau 119
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq – FRANCE

I am a community ecologist, focusing on the impacts of global changes, mainly urbanization, land use change, habitat fragmentation and climate change, on biodiversity. While I have first focused on their consequences on the evolution of life history traits in plant species, my current research focuses on their effects on plant and wild bee communities, and on plant-pollinator networks and their functioning. I often tackle these issues along gradients, e.g. north-south latitudinal gradients as a proxy of climate change vs life history traits, diversity gradients vs complexity of networks, or more recently urbanization gradients. Recently my researches have focused on the effects of urbanization on plant pollinator networks and communities, at the heart of the project.
I also tackle these questions along time using long term databases. While I have implemented several controlled-condition experiments to understand plant evolution and observe phenotypical plasticity, I am merely an experienced field ecologist.
I have developed interactions with several conservationist agencies in which I intervene as an expert ecologist or with which we have developed projects.
I have also developed interactions with several stakeholders that have already agreed to or may participate to the project, e.g. Ville de Lille, Ville de Douai, Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL) etc.

Some representative publications

Virginie Cuvillier-Hot, Alessandro Fisogni, Vincent Doublet, Sylvain Guillot, Anne-Catherine Holl, Julie Leclercq-Dransart, Florent Occelli, Yves Piquot, and Nina Hautekèete. Urbanisation shifts immunometabolism in a common bumblebee. In press. Ecology and Evolution

Arthur Fauviau, William Fiordaliso, Alessandro Fisogni, Laura Fortel, Frédéric Francis, Benoît Geslin, Nina Hautekèete, Charlène Heiniger, Olivier Lambert, Violette Le Féon, François Massol, Alice Michelot-Antalik, Denis Michez, Hugues Mouret, Grégoire Noël, Yves Piquot, Lise Ropars, Lucie Schurr, Colin Van Reeth, Vincent Zaninotto, Isabelle Dajoz, Mickael Henry (2024) Larger cities host richer bee faunas, but are no refuge for species with concerning conservation status: empirical evidence from Western Europe. Basic and Applied Ecology, doi:

Alessandro Fisogni, Nina Hautekèete, Yves Piquot, Marion Brun, Cédric Vanappelghem, Marc Ohlmann, Magalie Franchomme, Christelle Hinnewinkel, François Massol (2022) Seasonal trajectories of plant-pollinator interaction networks differ following phenological mismatches along an urbanization gradient. Landscape and Urban Planning 226: 104512.

de Manincor, Natasha; Andreu, Benjamin; Buatois, Bruno; Lou Chao, Hineiti; Hautekèete, Nina; Massol, François; Piquot, Yves; Schatz, Bertrand; Schmitt, Eric; Dufay, Mathilde (2021) Geographical variation of floral scents in generalist entomophilous species with variable pollinator communities. Functional ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13984

Fisogni A., Hautekèete N., Piquot Y., Brun M., Vanappelghem C., Michez D., Massol F. 2020. Urbanisation drives an early spring for plants but not for pollinators. Oikos, 129: 1681-1691.

Hautekèete N.-C., Frachon L., Luczak C., Toussaint B., Van Landuyt W., Van Rossum F., Piquot Y., 2015. Habitat type shapes long-term plant biodiversity budgets in two densely populated regions in north-western Europe. Diversity and Distributions 21: 631–642. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12287

Van Dijk H., Hautekèete N.-C., 2014. Evidence of genetic change in the flowering phenology of sea beets along a latitudinal cline within two decades. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27(8): 1420-9101. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12410

1998 - 2001: PhD, Botanics; Ecology, Université de Lille, France

2001 - 2002: postdoc, University of Leiden, Netherlands
2002 - 2017: Assistant professor, University of Lille, France
2017 - : Full professor, Université de Lille, France

Awards received / other responsibilities

2010-2016 Vice-President of the University of Lille 1, in charge of Sustainable Development.
2010 -2014 facilitator of the Sustainable Development group of the COMUE Community of universities (120,000 students).
2018- Head of the research group Ecology of Interactions in a Changing World of the Evolution-Ecology team of the laboratory

Référente égalité (Université de Lille) in my lab 2024

Cellule d’écoute VSS (UNiversity of Lille) since 2024

Conseil de département de Biologie since 2018

Commission Patrimoine de la FST since 2021

Commission Recherche de la FST since 2021

Teaching charges of new EEP members

Conseil scientifique Conservatoire Botanique National de Bailleul

Conseil scientifique Conservatoire Botanique National du Bassin Parisien

Groupe de Travail Flore-Fonge-Habitats du Conseil National de la Protection de la Nature since 2022

Groupe de Travail National « Flore Vasculaire »: revision of the national list of protected species, since 2024