Taniel Danelian

Taniel Danelian


Equipe Paléo

Thème : Macroévolution

Unité Evo-Eco-Paléo (EEP) – UMR 8198
CNRS / Université de Lille – Sciences et Technologies
Batiment SN5, bureau 325
59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq – FRANCE
Tel : 33 (0)3-20-33-61-08


Mail : Taniel.Danelian@univ-lille.fr


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Thématiques de recherche : Paléobiologie, Paléobiodiversitée, Géobiologie et paléocéanographie des radiolaires.

Transition Ediacarien/ Cambrien

Mots clés : Paléobiodiversité, Radiolaires, plancton, paléocéanographie, paléoenvironnements



Enseignements :

DEUST Guide Nature Multilangue

Licence Sciences de la Terre : Introduction au Monde Vivant (IMV), Ecologie, Paléobiodiversité, Anglais scientifique

Master STPE: Paléontologie intégrée, Micropaléontologie, Biogéochrnologie, Paléontologie quantitative, Géobiologie, Paléoclimatologie


Bref CV :

Parcours professionnel 

Depuis 2008   Professeur, Paléobiodiversité et Paléoenvironnements, Université de Lille

1999-2008      Maître de Conférences, Micropaléontologie, Université Paris VI (UPMC)

1999                Lecturer (5 mois), Université d’Edimbourg (Royaume-Uni)

1995-98          Chercheur post-doctorant, Univ. d’Edimbourg, financé par l’Académie écossaise

1993-95          Chercheur post-doctorant, Univ. d’Edimbourg, financé par l’Union Européenne

1992-93           Chercheur post-doctorant, Univ. de Lausanne, financé par le Fond National Scientifique Suisse et la Fondation du 450e Anniversaire de l’Univ. de Lausanne


Titres et diplômes 

2001                Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Univ. Paris VI

1998                M.B.A., Univ. d’Edimbourg (études à temps partiel)

1989                Doctorat de l’Univ. Paris VI, Spécialité : Géodynamique des Continents et des Océans ; mention : Stratigraphie

1986                D.E.A. de Géodynamique des Continents et des Océans, Univ. Paris VI

1985                D.E.S. (Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures), Univ. Paris VI

1984                Maîtrise de Géologie, Université d’Athènes (Grèce)


Performance en recherche 

*Auteur de 114 publications (84 de rang A, 29 de rang B, 1 chapitre d’ouvrage).

  Indice-h : 20 dans Scopus, 18 dans WoS.

*PEDR/PES depuis 2007.

*Encadrant de 4 post-doc (2-12 mois), 9 doctorants et plusieurs étudiants de Master et de Licence.

*Embarquement en 2013 au Leg 207 du programme des forages océaniques profonds (O.D.P.)

*Responsable de la gestion de 22 projets scientifiques, financés par le CNRS (ECLIPSE II, TELLUS/INTERRVIE, Echanges de chercheurs, ODP France), le Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (projet « coup de pouce »,  Centre Franco-Sibérien), le Ministère des Affaires étrangères (ECO-NET, PHC avec la Chine), le programme européen SYNTHESYS, les programmes Middle East Basin Evolution (MEBE) et DARIUS et l’Université de Lille (BQR international, IRePSE),.

*Expérience géologique de terrain dans de nombreux pays (Arménie, Chypre, France, Etats-Unis, Grèce, Italie, Japon, Royaume-Uni, Russie, …). Séjours dans des laboratoires de biologie marine (Etats Unis, France, Royaume-Uni, Norvège) et des grands musées européens (Londres, Berlin, Stockholm).

Publications représentatives :

A.1   CORDEY F., DE WEVER P., DUMITRICA P., DANELIAN T., KITO N. & VRIELYNCK B. (1988) – Description of some new middle Triassic Radiolarians from the Camp Cove formation, Southern British Columbia, Canada – Revue de Micropaléontologie, 31 (1): 30-37.

A.2   DE WEVER P., DANELIAN T., DURAND-DELGA M., CORDEY F & KITO N. (1987) – Datations des radiolarites post-ophiolitiques de Corse alpine à l’aide des Radiolaires – Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 305 (II): 893-900.

A.3   KARAKITSIOS V., DANELIAN T. & DE WEVER P. (1988) – Datations par les Radiolaires des Calcaires à Filaments, Schistes à Posidonies supérieurs et Calcaires de Vigla (zone ionienne, Epire, Grèce) du Callovien au Tithonique terminal – Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 306 (II): 367-372.

A.4   DANELIAN T. & BAUDIN F. (1990) – Découverte d’un horizon carbonaté, riche en matière organique au sommet des radiolarites d’Epire (zone ionienne, Grèce): le Membre de Paliambela- Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 311 (II): 421-428.

A.5   KITO N., DE WEVER P., DANELIAN T. & CORDEY F. (1990) – Middle to Late Jurassic Radiolarians from Sicily (Italy) – Marine Micropaleontology, 15: 329-349.

A.6   GALBRUN B., MOUTERDE R., BAUDIN F., DANELIAN T. & DERCOURT J. (1994) – Magnetostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Toarcian Ammonitico-Rosso Formation of the Ionian zone (Epirus, Greece) – Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, 87 (1): 91-111.

A.7   DANELIAN T., ROBERTSON A.H.F. & DIMITRIADIS S. (1996) – Age and significance of radiolarian sediments within basic extrusives of the marginal basin Guevgueli Ophiolite (Northern Greece) – Geological Magazine, 133 (2): 127-136.

 A.8  DANELIAN T. & ROBERTSON A.H.F. (1997) – Radiolarian evidence for the stratigraphy and palaeo-oceanography of the deep-water northern passive margin of the Indian plate (Karamba Formation, Indus Suture Zone, Ladakh Himalaya) – Marine Micropaleontology, 30 (1-3): 171-195.

 A.9  DANELIAN T., DE WEVER P. & AZÉMA J. (1997) – Palaeoceanographic significance of new and revised palaeontological datings for the onset of Vigla Limestone sedimentation in the Ionian zone of Greece – Geological Magazine, 134 (6): 869-872.

A.10 ANDERSON O.R., DANELIAN T. & LANGDON C. (1998) – Cytoplasmic and shell fine structure of Tetrapetalon elegans (Polycystines) and comparison to Hexacontium spp. with implications for phylogeny and taxonomy of the Spumellarida – Marine Micropaleontology, 33: 299-307.                                

A.11 ANDERSON O.R., LANGDON C. & DANELIAN T. (1998) – Fine structure of a large Dinoflagellate symbiont associated with a Colonial Radiolarian (Collozoum sp.) in the Banda Sea – Symbiosis, 28: 259-270.

A.12 DANELIAN T. (1999) – Taxonomic study of some Ordovician (Llanvirn-Caradoc) radiolaria from the Southern Uplands (Scotland, U.K.) – Geodiversitas, 21(4): 625-635.

A.13 LITTLE C.T.S., HERRINGTON R.J., HAYMON R.M. & DANELIAN T. (1999) – Early Jurassic hydrothermal vent community from the Franciscan Complex, San Rafael Mountains, Califronia – Geology, 27 (2): 167-170.

A.14 DANELIAN T., LEKKAS S. & ALEXOPOULOS A. (2000) – Découverte de radiolarites triasiques dans un complexe ophiolitique à l’extrême sud du Péloponnèse (Agelona, Lakonie, Grèce) – Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 330 : 639-644.

A.15 DANELIAN T. & ROBERTSON A.F.R. (2001) – Neotethyan evolution of eastern Greece (Pagondas Mélange, Evia island) inferred from Radiolarian biostratigraphy and the geochemistry of associated extrusive rocks – Geological Magazine 138 (3): 345-363.

A.16 DANELIAN T. & FLOYD J. (2001) – Progress in describing Ordovician siliceous biodiversity from the Southern Uplands (Scotland, U.K.) – Trans. of the Royal Society Edinburgh, Earth Sciences, 91 : 489-498.

A.17 DANELIAN T. & JOHNSON K.G. (2001) – Patterns of biotic change in Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Tethyan Radiolaria – Marine Micropaleontology, 43: 239-260.

A.18 TOLMACHEVA T., DANELIAN T. & POPOV L. (2001) – Evidence for 15 m.y. of continuous deep-sea biogenic sedimentation in early Paleozoic oceans – Geology, 29 (8): 755-758.

A.19 AL-RIYAMI K., DANELIAN T. & ROBERTSON A.H.F. (2002) – Radiolarian biochronology of Mesozoic deep-water successions in NW Syria and Cyprus: implications for south-Tethyan evolution – Terra Nova, 14: 271-280.

A.20 Danelian T., Baudin F., Gardin S., Beltran C. & Masure E. (2002) – Early Aptian productivity increase as recorded in the Fourcade level of the Ionian zone of Greece. Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 334: 1087-1093.

A.21 DANELIAN T. & POPOV L. (2003) – Ordovician Radiolarian diversity increase: insights based on new and revised data from Kazakhstan – Bull. Soc. géol. France, t. 174, n° 4: 325-335.

A.22 VRIELYNCK B., BONNEAU M., DANELIAN T., CADET J.P. & POISSON A. (2003) – New insights on the Antalya Nappes in the apex of the Isparta angle: The Isparta Cay unit revisited – Geological Journal, 38: 283-293.                                                                                                                                                                 

A.23 Danelian T., Tsikos H., Gardin S., Baudin F., Bellier J.P. & Emmanuel L. (2004) – Global and regional palaeoceanographic changes as recorded in the mid-Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) sequence of the Ionian zone (northwestern Greece) – Journal of the Geological Society, London, 161: 703-709.

A.24 LITTLE C.T.S., DANELIAN T., HERRINGTON R.J. & HAYMON R. (2004) – Early Jurassic hydrothermal vent community from the Franciscan Complex of California. J. Paleontology, 78(3): 542-559.

A.25 DANELIAN T. & MOREIRA D. (2004) – Palaeontological and molecular arguments for the origin of silica secreting marine organisms – Comptes Rendus PalEvol, 3: 229-236.

A.26 DANELIAN T., LE CALLONEC L., ERBACHER J., MOSHER D., MALONE M., BERTI D., BICE K., BOSTOCK H., BRUMSACK H.-J, FORSTER A., HEIDERSDORF F., HENDERIKS J., JANECEK T., JUNIUM C., MACLEOD K., MEYERS P., MUTTERLOSE J., NISHI H., NORRIS R., OGG J., O’REGAN M., REA B., SEXTON P., STURT H., SUGANUMA Y., THUROW J., WILSON P., WISE S. & GLATZ C. (2005) – Résultats preliminaries sur la sédimentation pélagique de l’Atlantique tropical au Crétacé et Tertiaire (plateau de Demerara, Leg ODP 207) – Comptes Rendus  Géoscience, 337: 609-616.

A.27 DANELIAN T., ROBERTSON A.H.F., COLLINS A. & POISSON A. (2006) Biochronology of Jurassic and Early Cretaceous radiolarites from the Lycian Mélange (SW Turkey) and implications for the evolution of the Northern Neotethyan ocean: In: Robertson A.H.F. & Mountrakis D. (eds) Tectonic Development of the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Geological Society, London, Special Publications 260, 229-236.

A.28 DANELIAN T., LAHSINI S. & DE RAFELIS M. (2006) – Upper Jurassic Radiolaria from the Vocontian basin of SE France – Eclogae geologicae Helvetiae, vol. 99, suppl.1, S35-S47.

A.29 GUERNET C. & DANELIAN T. (2006) Ostracodes bathyaux du Crétacé terminal – Eocène moyen en Atlantique tropical (Plateau de Demerara, Leg 207). – Revue de Micropaléontologie, 49(4): 215-225.

A.30 MUSAVU-MOUSSAVOU B. & DANELIAN T. (2006) The Radiolarian biotic response to Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in the southern part of the Northern proto-Atlantic (Demerara Rise, ODP Leg 207). – Revue de Micropaléontologie, 49(3): 141-163.

A.31 DANELIAN T., SAINT-MARTIN S. & BLANC-VALLERON M.-M. (2007) – Middle Eocene radiolarian and diatom accumulation in the equatorial Atlantic (Demerara Rise, ODP Leg 207). Possible links with climatic and palaeoceanographic changes – Comptes Rendus Palevol., 6: 103-114.

A.32 DANELIAN T., Baudin f., Gardin S., Masure E., Ricordel C., Fili I., Meçi T. & Muska K. (2007) – The record of mid Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events from the Ionian zone of southern Albania. – Revue de Micropaléontologie., 50 (3): 225-238.

A.33 MUSAVU-MOUSSAVOU B., DANELIAN T., Baudin f., COCCIONI R. & FRÖHLICH F. (2007) – The Radiolarian biotic response during OAE2. A high-resolution study across the Bonarelli level at Bottaccione (Gubbio, Italy). – Revue de Micropaléontologie, 50 (3): 253-288.

A.34 DANELIAN T., DE WEVER P. & DURAND DELGA M. (2008) – Revised Radiolarian ages for the sedimentary cover of the Balagne ophiolite (Corsica, France). Implications for the palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Balano-Ligurian margin – Bull. Soc. Géol. France, 179 (3): 169-177.

A.35 DANELIAN T. (2008) – Diversity and biotic changes of Archaeodictyomitrid Radiolaria from the Aptian/Albian transition (OAE 1b) of southern Albania – Micropaleontology, 54 (1): 3-13.

A.36 Danelian T., Asatryan G., Sosson M., Person A., Sahakyan L. & Galoyan G. (2008) – Discovery of Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) Radiolaria from the sedimentary cover of the Vedi ophiolite (Lesser Caucasus, Armenia) – Comptes Rendus PalEvol., 7: 327-334.

A.37 DANELIAN T., ASATRYAN G., SAHAKYAN L., GALOYAN Gh., SOSSON M. & AVAGYAN A. (2010) – New and revised radiolarian biochronology for the sedimentary cover of ophiolites in the Lesser Caucasus (Armenia). In Sosson M., Kaymakci N., Stephenson R.A., Bergerat F. & Starostenko V. Eds. Sedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian Platform Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 340: 383-391.

A.38 ASATRYAN G., DANELIAN T., SOSSON M., SAHAKYAN L., PERSON A., AVAGYAN A. & GALOYAN G. (2010) – Radiolarian ages for the sedimentary cover of Sevan Ophiolite (Armenia, Lesser Caucasus) – Ofioliti, 35: 91-101.                                                                                                                   

A.39 PIRYAEI A., REIJMER J.J.G., VAN BUCHEM F.S.P., YAZDI-MOGHADAM M., SADOUNI J. & DANELIAN T. (2010) – The influence of Late Cretaceous tectonic processes on sedimentation patterns along the northeastern Arabian plate margin (Fars Province, SW Iran). In Leturmy P. & Robin C. Eds. Tectonic and Stratigraphic Evolution of Zagros and Makran during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic  –  Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 330: 211-251.

A.40 RENAUDIE J., DANELIAN T., SAINT-MARTIN S., LE CALLONNEC L. & TRIBOVILLARD N. (2010) – Siliceous phytoplankton response to a Middle Eocene warming event recorded in the tropical Atlantic (Demerara Rise, ODP Site 1260A) – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 286: 121-134.

A.41 SOSSON M., ROLLAN Y., MULLER C., DANELIAN T., MELKONYAN R., KEKELIA S., ADAMIA S., BABAZADEH V., KANGARLI T., AVAGYAN A., GALOYAN G. & MOSAR J. (2010) – Subductions, obduction and collision in the Lesser Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia), new insights. In Sosson M., Kaymakci N., Stephenson R.A., Bergerat F. & Starostenko V. Eds. Sedimentary Basin Tectonics from the Black Sea and Caucasus to the Arabian PlatformGeological Society, London, Special Publications, 340: 329-352.

A.42 DANELIAN T., POPOV L.E., TOLMACHEVA T.Y., GHOBADIPOUR M.G., NEYEVIN A.V.,  & MIKOLAICHUK A.V. (2011) – Ordovician radiolaria and conodonts from the Peri-Gondwanan Karatau-Naryn microplate  (Sarydzhaz, eastern Kyrgyzstan) – Geobios 44: 587-599.

A.43 ASATRYAN G., DANELIAN T., SOSSON M., SAHAKYAN L. & GALOYAN G. (2011) – Radiolarian evidence for Early Cretaceous (late Barremian – early Aptian) submarine volcanic activity in the Tethyan oceanic realm preserved in Karabagh (Lesser Caucasus) – Ofioliti, 36:  117-123.

A.44 BOZCU A., BAUDIN F., DANELIAN T., VRIELYNCK B., BOZCU M. & POISSON A. (2011) – New evidence for the record of the Cenomanian-Turonian oceanic anoxic event (OAE2) in the Pamphylian Basin (Akdogan section, Antalya Nappes , SW Turkey). Comparison with surrounding basinal settings. Cretaceous Research 32, 823-832.

A.45 KIESSLING W. & DANELIAN T. (2011) – Trajectories of Late Permian – Jurassic radiolarian extinction rates: no evidence for an end-Triassic mass extinction – Fossil record 14: 95-101.

A.46 POUILLE L., OBUT O., DANELIAN T., SENNIKOV N. (2011) – Lower Cambrian (Botomian) polycystine Radiolaria from the Altai Mountains (southern Siberia, Russia) – C.R. PalEvol. 10: 627-633.

A.47 TRIBOVILLARD N., BOUT-ROUMAZEILLES V., RIBOULLEAU A., BAUDIN F, DANELIAN T. & RIQUIER L. (2011) – Transfer of germanium to marine sediments: insights from its accumulation in radiolarites and authigenic capture under reducing conditions. Some examples through geological ages – Chemical Geology 282: 120-130.

A.48 SERVAIS T., ANTOINE P.O., DANELIAN T., LEFEBVRE B. & MEYER-BERTHAUD B. (2012) – Paleontology in France: 200 years in the footsteps of Cuvier and Lamarck – Palaeontologia Electronica, 15/1, 2E, 12p.  (http://palaeo-electronica.org/content/2012-issue-1-articles-2/79-palaeontology-in-france).

A.49 DANELIAN T., ASATRYAN G., GALOYAN Gh., SOSSON M., SAHAKYAN L., CARIDROIT M. & AVAGYAN A. (2012) – Geological history of Armenian ophiolites and correlation with the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zone: insights from Radiolarian biochronology. In Danelian T. & Gorican S. Eds. Radiolarian biochronology as a key to tectonostratigraphic reconstructionBull. Soc. Géol. France 183: 331-342.

A.50 ASATRYAN G., DANELIAN T., SAHAKYAN L., GALOYAN G., SEYLER M., SOSSON M., AVAGYAN A., HUBERT B. & VANTALON S. (2012) – Latest Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Radiolarian assemblages constrain episodes of submarine volcanic activity in the Tethyan oceanic realm of the Sevan ophiolites (Armenia). In Danelian T. & Gorican S. Eds. Radiolarian biochronology as a key to tectonostratigraphic reconstructionBull. Soc. Géol. France 183: 319-330.

A.51 KOROVNIKOV I., SENNIKOV N., DANELIAN T. , OBUT O. & POUILLE L. (2013) – The biostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental significance of Lower Cambrian (Botomian) Trilobites from the Ak-Kaya section of the Altai Mountains (southern Siberia, Russia) – Annales de Paléontologie. 10: 627-633.     (IF:  1,091 en 2013)

A.52 MAILLET S., MILHAU B., VRULX M., DANELIAN T., MONNET C. & NICOLLIN J.-P. (2013) – Ecophenotypic variation of the Devonian benthic ostracod species Cavellina rhenana Krömmelbein, 1954: A paleoenvironmental proxy for the Ardenne (France – Belgium) and Rheno-Hercynian realm.  – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 286: 121-134.

A.53 POUILLE L., DELABROYE A., VANDENBROUCKE T.R.A., CALNER M., LEHNERT O. VECOLI M. &               DANELIAN T. (2013) – Chitinozoan biostratigraphy across the Katian (Late Ordovician) GICE event in the                Borenshult-1 Drillcore (Sweden). – Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 198, 134-144.

A.54 POUILLE L., DANELIAN T. , GHOBADI-POUR M. & POPOV L. (2013) – New and revised Inaniguttid Radiolaria and associated Trilobites from the upper Darriwilian (Ordovician) Shundy Formation of Kazakhstan. – Journal of Paleontology, 87, 1143-1159.

A.55 ZHANG L., DANELIAN T., FENG Q., SERVAIS T., TRIBOVILLARD N.  & CARIDROIT M. (2013) – On              the Lower Cambrian biotic and geochemical record of the Hetang Formation (Yangtze platform, south China);                 evidence for biogenic silica and possible presence of Radiolaria. Journal of Micropalaeontology 32: 207-217.

A.56 BRAGIN N., DANELIAN T. & CHANIER F. (2014) – Late Norian (Late Triassic) Radiolarian assemblages from chert pebbles of the Pentalofos Formation (Mesohellenic Basin, Greece). Palaeogeographic implications. – Bull. Soc. géol. France 185: 115-122.

A.57 DANELIAN T., ZAMBETAKIS-LEKKAS A., GALOYAN G., SOSSON M., ASATRYAN G., HUBERT B. & GRIGORYAN A. (2014) – Reconstructing Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) paleoenvironments in Armenia based on Radiolaria and benthic Foraminifera; implications for the geodynamic evolution of the Tethyan realm in the Lesser Caucasus. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 413: 123-132.

A.58 POUILLE L., DANELIAN T. & MALETZ J. (2014) – Radiolarian diversity changes during the Late Cambrian-Early Ordovician transition as recorded in the Cow Head Group of Newfoundland (Canada) – Marine Micropaleontology 110: 25-41.

A.59 POUILLE L., DANELIAN T. & POPOV L. (2014) – A diverse Upper Darriwilian radiolarian assemblage from the Shundy Formation of Kazakhstan: insights into late Middle Ordovician radiolarian biodiversity. In

         Danelian T. & Allen C. Eds. Editorial: Siliceous plankton biomineralization, biodiversity and evolution.                Journal of Micropalaeontology 33: 149-163.

A.60 SERVAIS T., DANELIAN T., HARPER D.  & MUNNECKE A. (2014) – Possible oceanic circulation          patterns, surface water currents and upwelling zones in the Early Palaeozoic. GFF (A Scandinavian Journal of          Earth Sciences) 136: 229 – 233.

A.61 TETARD M., DANELIAN T., GHIENNE J.-F. & DABARD M.-P. (2014) – A Lower Silurian (Aeronian)     radiolarian assemblage from black cherts of the Armorican Massif (France). C.R. PalEvol 13: 483-488.

A.62 TETARD M., DANELIAN T. & NOBLE P. (2014) – Biostratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical impli-

cations of Lower Silurian Radiolaria from black cherts of the Armorican Massif (France). In Danelian T. & Allen C. Eds. Editorial: Siliceous plankton biomineralization, biodiversity and evolution. Journal of Micropalaeontology 33: 165-178.

A.63 YANG B., ZHANG L., DANELIAN T., FENG Q.  & STEINER M. (2014) – Chert-hosted small shelly fossils: expanded tool of biostratigraphy in the Early Cambrian. GFF (A Scandinavian Journal of Earth Sciences) 136: 303-308.                                                                                                                                             

A.64 ZHANG L., ITO T., FENG Q., CARIDROIT M. & DANELIAN T. (2014) – Phylogenetic model of

Follicuccullus lineages (Albaillellaria, Radiolaria) based on high-resolution biostratigraphy of the Permian Bancheng Formation, Giangxi, South China. In Danelian T. & Allen C. Eds. Editorial: Siliceous plankton biomineralization, biodiversity and evolution. Journal of Micropalaeontology 33: 179-192.

A.65 TETARD M., NOBLE P., DANELIAN T., MONNET C. & LENZ A.C. (2015) – A new Gorstian radiolarian fauna from the upper Silurian of the Cape Phillips Formation, Cornwallis and Bathurst islands, Canadian Arctic. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 52: 863-879.

A.66 FERRIERE J., CHANIER F., BAUMGARTNER P.O., DUMITRICA P., CARIDROIT M., BOUT-ROUMAZEILLES V., GRAVELEAU F., DANELIAN T. & VENTALON S. (2015) – The evolution of the Triassic-Jurassic Maliac oceanic lithosphere: insights from the supra-ophiolitic series of Othris (continental Greece). – Bulletin de la Société géologique de France 186: 399-411.


         Jurassic – Early Cretaceous radiolarian age constraints from the sedimentary cover of the Amasia ophiolite            (NW Armenia), at the junction between the Izmir-Ankara-Erzinçan and Sevan-Hakari suture zones.               International J. Earth Sci. (Geol Rundsch) 105: 67-80.

A.68 SOSSON M., STEPHENSON R. SHEREMET Y., ROLLAND Y., ADAMIA S., MELKONIAN R., KANGARLI T., YEGOROVA T., AVAGYAN A., GALOYAN G.,  DANELIAN T., HASSIG M., MEIJERS M., MULLER C., SAHAKYAN L., SADRADZE N., ALANIA V., ENUKIDZE O. & MOSAR J. (2016) –  The eastern Black Sea-Caucasus region during the Cretaceous: New evidence to constrain its tectonic evolution. Comptes Rendus Geoscience 348: 23-32.

A.69 MAILLET S., DANELIAN T. & CASIER J.-G. (2016) – Middle/Late Givetian ostracod assemblages from the Aisne quarry (Durbuy area, Ardenne, Belgium). Biostratigraphic and palaeoecological implications – Annales de Paléontologie 102 (1): 11-29.

A.70 SERVAIS T., PERRIER V., DANELIAN T., KLUG C., MARTIN R., MUNNECKE A., NOWAK H.,           NUTZEL A., VANDENBROUCKE T.R.A., WILLIAMS M. & RASMUSSEN C.M.O. (2016) – The onset of                 the “Ordovician Plankton Revolution” in the late Cambrian. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,               Palaeoecology 458: 12-28.

A.71 FER T., DANELIAN T. & BAILEY H. (2016) – Upper Cretaceous radiolarians reworked in the Eocene London Clay Formation, SE England. Journal of Micropalaeontology 35(2): 133-142.

A.72 MA Q., FENG Q., CARIDROIT M., DANELIAN T. & ZHANG N. (2016) – Integrated radiolarian and conodont biostratigraphy of the Middle Permian Gufeng Formation (South China). C.R. PalEvol 15: 453-459.


A.73 DANELIAN T., ASATRYAN G., SAHAKYAN L., AVAGYAN A. & GALOYAN Gh. (2017) – Radiolarian evidence for the age of chert blocks from the Upper Cretaceous ophiolitic mélange unit of the Erakh area, Armenia. In: Sosson, M., Stephenson, R. A. & Adamia, S. A. Eds. Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Black Sea and Caucasus. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 428, 61-72 https://doi.org/10.1144/SP428.7 

A.74 AVAGYAN A., SHAHIDI A., SOSSON M., SAHAKYAN L., GALOYAN G., MULLER C.,  VARDANYAN S., FIROUZI K.B., BOSCH D., DANELIAN T., ASATRYAN G., MKRTCHYAN M. & SHOKRI M.A. (2017) – New data on the tectonic evolution of the Khoy region, NW Iran. In: Sosson, M., Stephenson, R. A. & Adamia, S. A. Eds. Tectonic Evolution of the Eastern Black Sea and Caucasus. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 428, 99-116  http://doi.org/10.1144/SP428.13 

A.75 KOLESNIKOV A., DANELIAN T., GOMMEAUX M., MASLOV A.V. & GRAZHDANKIN D.V. (2017). Arumberiamorph structure in modern microbial mats: implications for Ediacaran palaeobiology. In Danelian et al. Eds. Insights into the geology and paleontology of Siberia from French-Siberian collaboration in Earth Sciences. Bull. Soc. géol France, 188/1-2, DOI: 10.1051/bsgf/2017005

A.76SENNIKOV N.V., KOROVNIKOV I.V., OBUT O.T., TOKAREV D.A., NOVOZHILOVA N.V. & DANELIAN T. (2017). – The Lower Cambrian of the Salair and Gorny Altai (Siberia) revisited. In Danelian et al. Eds. Insights into the geology and paleontology of Siberia from French-Siberian collaboration in Earth Sciences. Bull. Soc. géol France, 188/1-2, DOI: 10.1051/bsgf/2017002

A.77 AITCHISON J.C., SUZUKI N., CARIDROIT M., DANELIAN T. & NOBLE P. (2017) Paleozoic radiolarian biostratigraphy. In Danelian et al. Eds. Catalogue of Paleozoic radiolarian genera. Geodiversitas, 39 (3): 503-531 https://doi.org/10.5252/g2017n3a5

A.78 CARIDROIT M., DANELIAN T., O’DOGHERTY L., CUVELIER J., AITCHISON J.C., POUILLE L., NOBLE P., DUMITRICA P., SUZUKI N., KUWAHARA K., MALETZ Y. & FENG Q. (2017) An illustrated catalogue and revised classification of Paleozoic radiolarian genera. In Danelian et al. Eds. Catalogue of Paleozoic radiolarian genera. Geodiversitas, 39 (3): 363-417 https://doi.org/10.5252/g2017n3a3

A.79 DANELIAN T., AITCHISON J.C., NOBLE P., CARIDROIT M., SUZUKI N. & O’DOGHERTY L. (2017) Historical insights on nearly 130 years of research on Paleozoic radiolarians. In Danelian et al. Eds. Catalogue of Paleozoic radiolarian genera. Geodiversitas, 39 (3): 351-361 https://doi.org/10.5252/g2017n3a2

A.80 NOBLE P., AITCHISON J.C., DANELIAN T., DUMITRICA P., MALETZ Y., SUZUKI N., CUVELIER J., CARIDROIT M. & O’DOGHERTY L. (2017) Taxonomy of Paleozoic radiolarian genera. In Danelian et al. Eds. Catalogue of Paleozoic radiolarian genera. Geodiversitas, 39 (3): 419-502 https://doi.org/10.5252/g2017n3a4

A.81 TETARD M., MONNET C., NOBLE P. & DANELIAN T. (2017) – Biodiversity patterns of Silurian Radiolaria. Earth-Science Reviews, 173:77-83.

A.82 ZHANG L., CHANG S., KHAN M.Z., FENG Q., DANELIAN T., CLAUSEN S., TRIBOVILLARD N. & STEINER M. (2018) – The link between metazoan diversity and paleo-oxygenation in the early Cambrian: An integrated palaeontological and geochemical record from the Eastern Three Gorges Region of South China. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 495: 24-41.

A.83 KOLESNIKOV A., ROGOV V.I., BYKOVA N.V., DANELIAN T., CLAUSEN S. & GRAZHDANKIN D.V. (2018) – The oldest skeletal macroscopic organism Palaeopascichnus linearisPrecambrian Research 316: 24-37.

A.84 KOLESNIKOV A., LIU A.G., DANELIAN T. & GRAZHDANKIN D.V. (2018) – A reassessment of the problematic Ediacaran genus Orbisiana. – Precambrian Research 316: 197-205.



Articles de rang B (selon les critères du CNU 36)


B.1   DANELIAN T., DE WEVER P. & VRIELYNCK B. (1986) – Datations nouvelles fondées sur les faunes de Radiolaires de la série jurassique des Schistes à Posidonies (zone ionienne, Epire, Grèce) – Revue de Paléobiologie, 5 (1): 37-41.

B.2   MARTINI R., DE WEVER P., ZANINETTI L., DANELIAN T. & KITO N. (1989) – Les radiolarites triasiques de la Formation du Monte Facito auct. (Bassin de Lagonegro, Italie méridionale) – Revue de Paléobiologie, 8 (1): 143-161.

B.3   BAUMGARTNER P.O., DANELIAN T., DUMITRICA P., GORICAN S., JUD R., O’DOGHERTY L., CARTER B., CONTI M., DE WEVER P., KITO N., MARCUCCI M., MATSUOKA A., MURCHEY B. & URQUHART E. (Jurassic-Cretaceous Working Group) (1993) – Middle Jurassic – Early Cretaceous Radiolarian biochronology of Tethys: Implications for the age of Radiolarites in the Hellenides – Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 28 (3): 13-23.

B.4   DANELIAN T. (1994) – Palaeo-oceanographic significance of Mid-Jurassic radiolarites from the Maliac (Sub-Pelagonian) margin of Othris (Greece) – Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 30 (2): 167-175.

B.5   DANELIAN T. (1995) – Middle to Upper Jurassic Radiolarian biostratigraphy of the Ionian and Maliac zones (Greece). In Baumgartner P.O. et al. (Editors) – Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Radiolaria of Tethys: Occurences, Systematics, Biochronology – Mémoires de Géologie (Lausanne), 23: 865-876.

B.6   DANELIAN T. & ROBERTSON A.H.F. (1995) – Radiolarian evidence of Middle Jurassic collapse of the Pelagonian carbonate platform (Kallidromon mountains, central Greece) – Special Publication of the Geological Society of Greece, 4 (1): 175-180.

B.7   DE WEVER P. & DANELIAN T. (1995) – Supra-ophiolitic radiolarites from Alpine Corsica (France). In Baumgartner P.O. et al. (Editors) – Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Radiolaria of Tethys: Occurences, Systematics, Biochronology – Mémoires de Géologie (Lausanne), 23: 731-735.

B.8   BAUMGARTNER P.O., O’DOGHERTY L., GORICAN S., DUMITRICA-JUD R., DUMITRICA P., PILLEVUIT A., URQUHART E., MATSUOKA A., DANELIAN T., BARTOLINI A., CARTER E.S., DE WEVER P., KITO N., MARCUCCI M. & STEIGER T. (1995a) – Radiolarian catalogue and systematics of Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Tethyan genera and species. In Baumgartner P.O. et al. (Editors) – Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Radiolaria of Tethys: Occurences, Systematics, Biochronology – Mémoires de Géologie (Lausanne), 23: 37-685.

B.9   BAUMGARTNER P.O., BARTOLINI A., CARTER E.S., CONTI M., CORTESE G., DANELIAN T. , DE WEVER P., DUMITRICA P., DUMITRICA-JUD R., GORICAN S., GUEX J., HULL D.M., KITO N., MARCUCCI M., MATSUOKA A., MURCHEY B., O’DOGHERTY L., SAVARY J., VISHNEVSKAYA V., WIDZ D. & YAO A. (1995b) – Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Radiolarian Biochronology of Tethys based on Unitary Associations. In Baumgartner P.O. et al. (Editors) – Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Radiolaria of Tethys: Occurences, Systematics, Biochronology – Mémoires de Géologie (Lausanne), 23: 1013-1048.

B.10 DANELIAN T. & CLARKSON E.N.K. (1998) – Middle Ordovician Radiolaria from bedded cherts of the Southern Uplands – Scottish Journal of Geology, 34 (2): 133-137.

B.11 DANELIAN T. & FRYDAS D. (1998) – Late Quaternary Radiolaria and Sillicoflagellates from the Eastern Mediterranean Sites 969 and 971, ODP Leg 160 – ODP Volume 160, Scientific Results, 160: 137-154.

B.12 DANELIAN T. & ROBERTSON A.H.F. (1998) – Palaeogeographic implications of the age of radiolarian-rich sediments in Beotia (Greece) – Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 32 (2): 21-29.

B.13 AL-RIYAMI KH., ROBERTSON A.F.R., XENOPHONTOS C, DANELIAN T. & DIXON J.E. (2000) – Tectonic evolution of the Mesozoic Arabian passive continental margin and related ophiolite in Baer-Bassit region (NW Syria). In : Panayides, I., Xenophontos, C. & Malpas, J. (Eds.), Proc. 3rd Intern. Conf. Geology  Eastern Mediterranean, pp. 61-81.

B.14 DANELIAN T. & ALEXANDER I. (2000) – Stable oxygen isotope analysis of Pliocene marine diatomite-marl cyclic sedimentation in the Heraklion District (Crete, Greece) – Geological Society of Greece, Special Publication, n°9 : 53-61.

B.15 DANELIAN T., BONNEAU M., CADET J.P., POISSON A. & VRIELYNCK B. (2001) – Palaeogeographic and palaeoceanographic implications of new and revised bio-chronostratigraphic constraints from the Profitis Ilias unit (Rhodes, Greece) – Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 34 (2) : 619-625.

      B.16 Erbacher J., Mosher D., Malone M., Berti D., Bice K.L., Bostock H., Brumsack H.-J., Danelian T., Forster A., Glatz C., Heidersdorf F., Henderiks J., Janecek T.J., Junium C., Le Callonec L., Macleod K., Meyers P.A., Mutterlose J.H., Nishi H., Norris R., Ogg J.G., O’Reagan M.A., Rea B., Sexton P., Sturt H., Suganuma Y., Thurow J.W., Wilson P.A. & S.W. Wise (2003) – Leg 207: Demerara Rise: Equatorial Cretaceous and Paleogene Paleoceanographic transect, Western Atlantic – Leg 207 Preliminary Report http://www-odp.tamu.edu/publications/

B.17 Erbacher J., Mosher D., Malone M., Berti D., Bice K.L., Bostock H., Brumsack H.-J., Danelian T., Forster A., Glatz C., Heidersdorf F., Henderiks J., Janecek T.J., Junium C., Le Callonec L., Macleod K., Meyers P.A., Mutterlose J.H., Nishi H., Norris R., Ogg J.G., O’Reagan M.A., Rea B., Sexton P., Sturt H., Suganuma Y., Thurow J.W., Wilson P.A. & S.W. Wise (2004a) – Drilling probes past carbon cycle perturbations on the Demerara Rise– Eos, 85/6 : 57-60.

      B.18 Erbacher J., Mosher D., Malone M., Berti D., Bice K.L., Bostock H., Brumsack H.-J., Danelian T., Forster A., Glatz C., Heidersdorf F., Henderiks J., Janecek T.J., Junium C., Le Callonec L., Macleod K., Meyers P.A., Mutterlose J.H., Nishi H., Norris R., Ogg J.G., O’Reagan M.A., Rea B., Sexton P., Sturt H., Suganuma Y., Thurow J.W., Wilson P.A. & S.W. Wise (2004b) – Site 1257. Proc. ODP, Initial Reports, vol. 207, College Station, Texas (Ocean Drilling Program), sur CD-ROM.

      B.19 Erbacher J., Mosher D., Malone M., Berti D., Bice K.L., Bostock H., Brumsack H.-J., Danelian T., Forster A., Glatz C., Heidersdorf F., Henderiks J., Janecek T.J., Junium C., Le Callonec L., Macleod K., Meyers P.A., Mutterlose J.H., Nishi H., Norris R., Ogg J.G., O’Reagan M.A., Rea B., Sexton P., Sturt H., Suganuma Y., Thurow J.W., Wilson P.A. & S.W. Wise (2004c) – Site 1258. Proc. ODP, Initial Reports, vol. 207, College Station, Texas (Ocean Drilling Program), sur CD-ROM.

       B.20 Erbacher J., Mosher D., Malone M., Berti D., Bice K.L., Bostock H., Brumsack H.-J., Danelian T., Forster A., Glatz C., Heidersdorf F., Henderiks J., Janecek T.J., Junium C., Le Callonec L., Macleod K., Meyers P.A., Mutterlose J.H., Nishi H., Norris R., Ogg J.G., O’Reagan M.A., Rea B., Sexton P., Sturt H., Suganuma Y., Thurow J.W., Wilson P.A. & S.W. Wise (2004d) – Site 1259. Proc. ODP, Initial Reports, vol. 207, College Station, Texas (Ocean Drilling Program), sur CD-ROM.

       B.21 Erbacher J., Mosher D., Malone M., Berti D., Bice K.L., Bostock H., Brumsack H.-J., Danelian T., Forster A., Glatz C., Heidersdorf F., Henderiks J., Janecek T.J., Junium C., Le Callonec L., Macleod K., Meyers P.A., Mutterlose J.H., Nishi H., Norris R., Ogg J.G., O’Reagan M.A., Rea B., Sexton P., Sturt H., Suganuma Y., Thurow J.W., Wilson P.A. & S.W. Wise (2004e) – Site 1260. Proc. ODP, Initial Reports, vol. 207, College Station, Texas (Ocean Drilling Program), sur CD-ROM.

       B.22 Erbacher J., Mosher D., Malone M., Berti D., Bice K.L., Bostock H., Brumsack H.-J., Danelian T., Forster A., Glatz C., Heidersdorf F., Henderiks J., Janecek T.J., Junium C., Le Callonec L., Macleod K., Meyers P.A., Mutterlose J.H., Nishi H., Norris R., Ogg J.G., O’Reagan M.A., Rea B., Sexton P., Sturt H., Suganuma Y., Thurow J.W., Wilson P.A. & S.W. Wise (2004f) – Site 1261. Proc. ODP, Initial Reports, vol. 207, College Station, Texas (Ocean Drilling Program), sur CD-ROM.

      B.23 FULLOLA J.M., CALVO M., MANGADO X., RITA C., GUAL J.M. & DANELIAN T. (2005) – La industria litica de Binimel-là (Mercadal, Menoría), indicio de la primera ocupación humana de la isla de menoría – Mayurqa, 30: 45-78.

      B.24 Danelian T., Galoyan G., Rolland Y. & Sosson M. (2007) – Palaeontological (Radiolarian) Late Jurassic age constraint for the Stepanavan ophiolite (Lesser Caucasus, Armenia). – Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 40, 31-38.

B.25 DANELIAN T., SOSSON M., AVAGYAN A., GALOYAN Gh., ASATRYAN G., ROLLAND Y., SAHAKYAN L., C. MÜLLER, GRIGORYAN A., PERSON A., CORSINI M., JRBASHYAN R. & MELKONYAN R. (2011) – A brief geological outline of the Lesser Caucasus : New insights on its Tethyan-Alpine evolution based on recent results of a French-Armenian collaboration. – Ann. Soc. Géol. Du Nord 18, 65-75.

B.26 DANELIAN T., NOBLE P., POUILLE L. & MALETZ J. (2013) – Palaeogeographic distribution of Ordovician Radiolarian occurrences : patterns, significance and limitations. In Harper D.A.T. & Servais T. Eds. Early Palaeozoic Biogeography and PalaeogeographyGeological Society, London, Memoirs 38, 399-405.

B.27 DANELIAN T. & MACLEOD N. (2019) – Morphometric analysis of two Eocene related radiolarian species of the Podocyrtis (Lampterium) lineage. – Paleontological Research 23, 314-330.

B.28 OBUT O.T. & DANELIAN T. (2019) – What is the age of the earliest Cambrian polycystine radiolarians and what do they look like? Insights from the Gorny Altaï mountains (South of western Siberia).  – Estudios Geologicos, sous presse.

B.29 SEROBYAN V., GRIGORYAN A., MOTTEQUIN B., MAYILYAN R., CRONIER C. & DANELIAN T. (2019) – Biostratigraphy of the Upper Devonian Trigonirhynchiid Brachiopods (Rhynchonellida) from Armenia. – Proceedings National Academy of Sciences RA, Earth Sciences 72, 3-18.